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Wel AI

Wel AI

User Experience Design, User Research
2022 User Research and Design
Timeline: 9 months
Team: Alex Wan
My Role: Leading designer, User research, Interaction wireframe, Prototype, UI Design

Mobile app providing trustworthy writing help through an oscillating interactive process with the use of a machine learning model.


This project delves into the nuances of AI interaction design within text input platforms. Leveraging the capabilities of AI, individuals can effortlessly craft appropriate content for various text mediums such as emails and messages, tailored to different contexts. Through continuous engagement, the AI adapts to your unique writing style, progressively mirroring your linguistic nuances.

Initially conceived as a UX research initiative focusing on trust design in human-AI collaboration in the summer of 2018, this venture has evolved significantly. With insights gleaned from the research phase and the expertise of AI scientist Andrew Zhang, I spearheaded the development of this proof-of-concept app as the lead designer in 2022, in collaboration with Alex Wan.